text newsticker & marquee & bubbling text & rainbow text & overlapping container & flirty & wipe & text & multiwipe & phone-in & right(/left) write text & shuffling text & rolling text & candycane & stitch & dotted link
scrollboxes scrollbox with mark & scrollbox with img/gif as bg & iichuwee scrollable boxes & img hover to reveal scrollbox & 7.css♥♥♥ & (TH) acordingperson's scrollbar guides
borders (img or otherwise) yellow+pink heart & hover zoom+grayscale♥ & twinkle jump bouncing heart & floating image & image pop in-out & grayscale hover & img shake & saturate hover & blurry circle img & flower border & beaded hearts border & biscuit border & chocolate border & cute blue lace border & doily border
misc tv effect & webneko & cbox & alert message & peeping body♥ & gifypet♥♥♥ & website counter & heart trail & tinkerbell♥ & bubbles & name that color & color chart & palette generator & draggable elements & img color picker & coolsymbol & remove bg & falling objects generator & ezgif & 98.css & heart clicksplosion & coolsymbol & softies & colorhunt & imood & qt-emoticons & cupcakeipsum & image splitter & pro tutorials twitter event & responsinator & punycoder & this cool chatbox♥♥♥ & claris.crd.co menu & estrellita.crd.co menu & blur y expand menu & yui crd (cr ciarispop) & mark crd (cr nene) & flip menu & scorpion crd code & default blur menu & blur rotate menu & element appear on hover (cr ciarispop) & on hover bouncing image & infinite & lippies crd (cr itzhuo) &

additional content upon hover (cr itzhuo) & music note cursor & falling sakura leaves & floating hearts bg & custom image fall & quackit & phone & notepad tab & sticky note (by yukoki) & mouse click sfx & disable inspect element and shortcut keys & pollcode & password code & (TH) fun websites list by koopatwo(TH) oc naming ideas by zapron357 & (TH) coding ref by h0neypie & (TH) pokemon cursors & (TH) reanimatedmagpie's toyhouse new user guide & (TH) betapop's helpful generators & (TH) cheesycodes' character creation help & ponytownskinguide & catbox & animaljamarchives & names & lovespace menu 1 & lovespace menu 2 & ghost cursor & flower cursor trailcarrd templates corazon.uwu.ai (cr coracrd) & nieve.ju.mp (cr coracrd) & huggy crd (cr coracrd) & 윈터.crd.co (cr coracrd) & sayu crd (cr coracrd) & heart blur crd (cr coracrd) & expand scrollbox crd (cr coracrd + abracitos) & mark crd (cr coracrd + nene) & sideways scroll (cr ciarispop) & dollzito (cr ciarispop) & nubes (cr is4joon) & lippies (cr itzhuo) & taho (cr finderqirl) & figaro (cr finderqirl) & cobipout (cr biogger99) & girlyblog (cr dollzito) & wooden scrollbox (cr coracrd) & yui (cr ciarispop) & slide up container (cr aicoholdrink) & box onclick (cr lovespace) & cobipout (cr crdbun) & crunch (cr nomskoo) & box shake blur & frosted grass flip (cr aicoholdrink) & multiple containers & (cr viliarreai) & nana (cr dollzito)music players marquee music player & minimalist with pixel & circular spin player & draggable & hover text to play music & lippies uwu ai (cr itzhuo) glenthemes & corazon uwu ai & img music player & speaker music player & spin icon & simple & slideup & slide-in & minimalist no pixel

info HAII I'm sirius :3 I also go by drift or tori, I use he/she pronouns and I looove carrding. as I've said a thousand times in every resource page I own, if you need anything please use the cbox and if it is urgent you can dm me, I'm clefcolors on all platforms (I most use toyhouse and discord). besides being The Guy From Hauntedmansion I also draw! Consider commissioning me if you're interested. ❤

here are some of the carrds i made ... feel free to use them for inspo or whatever since i likely won't use them anymore. most of them i can help with remaking.
if you remake, please add 'ib hauntedmansion', unless the layout is extremely basic ...

personal bookmarks
this is stuff i use or like. carrd-exclusive content.? ❤
cutekaomoji & oc generators 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & imood & emojicombos & carrionplace / warriors audiobooks

update log ... uses dd/mm/yyyy format
16/12/2024 changed full layout and removed inactive sites, including...... :(....... all w3schools codes that perished
14/11/2024 added my graphic resources carrd.......
30/10/2024 uploaded a few carrd stuff and updated personal bookmarks bc i nede a place to put them that doesn't clog my google bookmarks...
30/08/2024 once again updated hauntedmansions and rentry, this time a Lot of stuff... removed all resource carrds that are no longer about resources. if i removed your carrd and you were working on it or i just removed it completely by mistake feel free to reach out :3
02/08/2024 updated hauntedmansions and rentry, mainly minor stuff...
26/06/2024 completely abandoned this </3 now updated with everything i put on rentry and changed the theme! please bookmark this carrd/the rentry instead of/along with the other one :3
01/02/2023 hauntedmansions.carrd.co comes to life
03/01/2023 happy new year! slight changes. hauntedmansion is coming back~~.
18/08/2022 added bloominglantanas (my graphics crd) to graphics, general . layout change
06/07/2022 added to graphics
30/06/2022 added a bit of everything
02/06/2022 updated owner+home section
25/05/2022 added a bit of everything. god am I tired
(graphics, stamps, hauntedmansion themed graphics such as blinkies, scrollbox codes, border codes, hover codes, misc codes, templates, music codes, carrds, updated owner section, updated tips)
16/05/2022 updated resources, added more graphics
12/05/2022 it's..ur boy... adding pixels and carrds
09/05/2022 added love.ju.mp to carrds, added punctuation. planning on adding pixels
28/04/2022 edgar told me the font was unreadable so lets hope its a bit readabler...?????? anyway, added more resources.
20/04/2022 changed custom selection
19/04/2022 thank you for 3000! changed the layout to celebrate, updated... well, everything!
09/04/2022 added my own templates! check codes.
08/04/2022 added 2 new carrds to the portfolio as well as another addition to the carrd section
7/4/2022 added another carrd to the carrd section! everyone say hi to mist
03/04/2022 thank you for 2000! changed the layout to celebrate, as well as updated the admin section
02/04/2022 added a lot of new resources in graphics, codes and carrds. check it out!
01/04/2022 added another template. added more resources but it didnt save so il do that tmrw
27/03/2022 changed the layout again
25/03/2022 added many new pixels!
24/03/2022 changed scrollboxes! please tell me if you like this new design :]
22/03/2022 changed layout! will likely change scrollboxes next, including fonts
17/03/2022 added rentry version to menu
13/03/2022 added different clicksplosion! also considering renewing the theme...? and changing the colors... making it prettier. considering a dark blue-dark purple-green kinda palette...??
12/03/2022 portfolio is finished! also, yesterday we hit 1k visitors... i thank you most!
added more:
-imgs (backgrounds, 'other')
-codes (misc)
-carrds (9)
06/03/2022 added more tips, graphics, carrds.
planning to perhaps add more? likely pixels
preparing to add a portfolio
21/02/2022 i fucked up the coding already
nvm fixed
also added templates, music, etc
20/02/2022 supplies.crd.co comes to life
changed url to hauntedmansion for convenience